About us

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Founder & Director

I, the Rev. Jeevan Prem Kumar Ganji, have had the privilege of serving as a Pastor within the esteemed Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church.

It was on the illustrious date of 2nd August 2023 that I commenced this noble ministry “Everlasting Life“, establishing an esteemed organization dedicated to the service of others.


“My grandfather, Mr. Ganji Raja Ratnam, held the esteemed position of School Head Master, rendering invaluable aid to AELC pastors in the art of preaching and orchestrating diverse church programs. He played pivotal lay roles within the AELC community, serving as a delegate and deacon.

Rev. Ganji Vedanta Rao, my father, now retired, adorned the esteemed cloth of an AELC pastor.

Wife – Sujatha Lankapally

Children – Daughter named Mercy, Son named Judson


In his nineteenth year, whilst enrolled in my second year of intermediate studies (12th class) in the year 2001, He grappled with the afflictions of typhoid and jaundice. His physical state was dire, teetering on the brink of life and death, with physicians relinquishing hope for his recovery. It was during this juncture that his parents beseeched and vowed, offering a dedication: “If divine providence should restore our son’s health, we shall devote him unto your service.” Answering their entreaties, Providence intervened. The years thereafter witnessed my gradual awakening to worldly matters, culminating in the embrace of Jesus Christ as his redeemer. Throughout his journey, God has steered him through a myriad of experiences.

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Theological Studies

I have studied Batchelor of Theology (B.TH) at Andhra Christian Theological College, Hyderabad, Telangana state, India. Received Batchelor of Divinity (B.D) from Bethel Bible College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh state, India. Pursuing Doctor of Ministry (D.MIN) in DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH (SATHRI) at SENATE OF SERAMPORE UNIVERSITY Serampore, West Bengal, India.

Purpose of Ministry and Mission

Lutheranism stands as the pioneering force behind the Protestant Reformation, marking its place as the inaugural movement of its kind globally. In order to spread the Christ mission through Lutheranism more we started this ministry. Hence, to rejuvenate and solidify the tenets of Christ, we’ve embarked on this mission.


Bringing the unsaved to under salvation.

Sending missionaries to unreached places.

Right Christian Education by the Theological College.

Establishing Hospital for poor people.